Underwater sailing
Walking the west pier at Dun Laoghaire harbour last Saturday afternoon, we saw a strange sight – a boat sailing underwater.
I think one of the fishing boats moored in the harbour had sunk at some point and on Saturday there was an operation taking place to move and, presumably, to salvage the boat.
Whatever the full explanation, the scene that confronted those strolling the pier was an odd one.One fishing boat chugged slowly along through the water; a rope from it stern attached to the bow of the sunken boat, which remained underwater.
There were white plastic containers tied to the stern deck of the underwater craft, I assumed that these gave it just enough buoyancy to lift it clear of the sand and mud at the bottom of the harbour and to allow it to be moved to a place where work could take place.
Underwater sailing is a strange sight, but it’s similar to experiences most have had in life.There are moments when we have been deeply trapped at the bottom, when it has been impossible to see the way ahead, when someone has lifted us up, and pulled us through.
Like Peter we can sink deep in the waters and the hand of Jesus reaches down and pulls us up.
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