
How not to save the world — 3 Comments

  1. I completely agree that change will only immediately follow some financial incentive or disincentive. But I think there’s a point to the moral argument (whether secular or religious) as well. That is that people will only stand for the financial restructuring if the moral argument is won. They’ve got to accept the justice of the cause.

  2. Too true rev. We have a carbon trading company that lists on the ASX here but they’re looking like folding because not enough people are buying carbon credits. Hate to say it but only if we legislate compulsory carbon trading by industry will people think about the energy they consume. Sydney is swathed in brilliant office light at night! Something about security and cleaners . . pish!

  3. Ian I have been saying for ages that the majority of street lights are a waste of energy, I live in a village, I dont need a street light shining at the back and front of my house, and I would rather see the stars than look at them in a book. We both grew up in a village without street lights, it used to be great cycling home by the natural light of the night sky.Lets build another Hinkley Point, it never did us any harm.You are lucky as there is still less traffic in the Irish countryside than there is over here.

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