
When life lasted forever — 2 Comments

  1. I must be really ancient …I can just about remember being thirty, but in my mind I still am about thirty !! I remember Mr Briiten, his teaching was a lot different than Miss Rabbage ….

  2. Enjoyed reading your blog, Ian, Strange what memories are evoked when we come to a certain age. Like you, l used to think anyone older than thirty was ancient!! Now i’m 65 l feel more like Pharaoh!! Loved your ref to Rosencrantz, brough back memories of 3rd yr existential liteature when we read the play, and watched the film, had l seen Hamlet?? ( if l remember correctly that was what Tom Stoppard based his play on ) which l never have, l might have understood it. As it was, l didn’t, thought it was rather ‘looney’!! However, there was obviously a moral to the story. We did get a question on it in the exams, so must have done ok, as l passed!! Certainly can’t remember ever being 30!!!!

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