
Bedsheet oppressiveness — 3 Comments

  1. Silly sheet-ery aside, the damage done by sending children to boarding school is immense, and only now really being analysed. No wonder so many male Tories take so well to combative and confrontational politics. No wonder some CoE bishops seem emotionally shrivelled.

  2. We were lucky in that we started fairly late (I was 12), some poor souls were already veterans of the place by that age. The experience has made some of the petty rule making I’ve seen since quite easy to deal with and generally get round. The night of the fire I remember as one that saw the Housemaster particularly frantic.

  3. It all seems weird in retrospect – an entirely dysfunctional and repressed community being entrusted with the care of vulnerable children. I was lucky in being 14 before I started.

    The fire was incomprehensible to the man who searched our rooms, but even the fire seemed an absurd piece of behaviour: what was the intended outcome?

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